The point here is this: If there's someone that you love and/or respect who is having a hard time and you have the means or the ability to be able to help them out in some fashion, please do it. Don't do it with any strings attached. Don't do it expecting anything in return. And for cryin' out loud, don't make it about you. Do it because the person is awesome and because it would mean a lot to them. Do it because they deserve it. Do it because it will help them. Do it because you can. And do it because the enjoyment that you will get from watching them be so happy will be more rewarding than you ever imagined. You never know; you could just change their life. And that, in turn, will change yours. Trust me. It feels pretty good.
But don't worry. You can go right back to being snarky, surly and pessimistic right after you're done being nice. It's still there, which is a good thing because I'd really hate to make a choice.
Happy birthday, my friend.