52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History - Week #7 - Toys. What was your favorite childhood toy? Is it still being made in some form today?
This photo shows our first Christmas in Spartanburg, SC in 1968. We had a brand new split level house and our backyard connected to my maternal Grandparent's backyard. My Uncle James sits with us on the couch holding our cousin, Kenneth. Kenneth was born in July 1967 so he nearly 1 1/2 yrs old. During this Christmas we each got our Barbie dolls. Much later we got Ken Barbie dolls but that was it. So we only had those 2 Barbi dolls each and I still have both mine. We would play for hours with our Barbie dolls. We loved them! You can see I'm holding mine and Melinda is holding hers.