Monday Madness - Alice V. Reese Anders

Madness Monday is a daily blogging prompt used by many genealogy bloggers to help them post content on their sites. To participate in Madness Monday we simply create a post with the main focus being an ancestor who either suffered some form of mental illness or an ancestor who might be hard to locate and drives you mad.

Preacher Billy Reese married Mary Jane Freeman and they had a son named Elisha Reese. Elisha Reese was the brother of my direct ancestor, Green Hill Reese. Alice V. Reese was Elisha's daughter and would have been Green Hill Reese's niece.

Elisha Reese (DOB: 3/8/1834 in Buncombe County, NC; DOD: 2/18/1891 in Madison County, NC) married Margaret Serena Chambers (DOB: Abt 1842 in NC; DOD: 1889 in Madison County, NC) and they had a daughter named Alice V. Reese.

Alice was born 1/30/1867 in Madison County, NC. She married Alfred Burton Anders (DOB: 9/14/1864 in Madison County, NC; DOD: 9/15/1954 in Buncombe County, NC) about 1885 in Madison County, NC.

They had 7 children:
Jeter S. Anders
Jettie Mae Anders
Lottie Lazalee Anders
Carie Lattimer Anders
Max Abram Anders
Valeria Flora Anders
Irene Virginia Anders

1900 US Census of Bull Creek, Madison County, North Carolina; Roll T623_ 1205; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 75, Lines 72-78, "Anders, Alford B."
Anders, Alford B., Head, W(hite), M(ale), Born Sept, 1864, 35 yrs old, Married 14 yrs, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Farmer of general farm, Can read & write, Owns farm free of mortgage
Anders, Alice V., Wife, W, F, Born Jan, 1867, Married 14 yrs, 6 children with 6 still living, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC
Anders, Jeter S., Son, W, M, Born Oct, 1887, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Farm Laborer
Anders, Jettie M., Daughter, W, F, Born Jan, 1889, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC
Anders, Lettie A., Daughter, W, F, Born Apr, 1892, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC
Anders, Cary, Son, W, M, Born Jan, 1895, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC
Anders, Mattie A., W, M, Born Aug, 1899, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC

You will notice that their eldest son, Jeter, is not listed in the following 1910 census. It's possible he died. Could this have affected his mother? She was admitted to Broughton State Hospital in 1907.

1910 U.S. Census of Hazel, Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina; Roll T624_1099; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 2; Image: 61, Lines 52-58, "Andrews, Alfred B."
Andrews, Alfred B., Head, M(ale), W(hite), 48 yrs old, First marriage, Married 23 yrs, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Carpenter-house, Can read & write, Rents home
Andrews, Allice V. (sic), Wife, F, W, 44 yrs old, First marriage, Married 23 yrs, 7 children with 6 still living, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC (According to her death certificate she had been at Broughton 29 yrs, 5 mos, 15 days. She died in 1937 which would mean she was admitted around 1907 but Mr. Anders lists her as being in the household here and she does have 2 more children. Was she admitted, came home and then re-admitted?)
Andrews, Jettie M., Daughter, F, W, 19 yrs old, Single, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Inspector in cloth room
Andrews, Cavey S. (sic, should be Cary), Son, M, W, 14 yrs old, Single, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Spinner in cotton mill
Andrews, Maxey A. (sic), Son, M, W, 12 yrs old, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, At Home
Andrews, Veleria F. (sic), Daughter, F, W, 10 yrs old, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Student
Andrews, Jennie, Daughter, F, W, 8 yrs old, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Student

1920 U.S. Census of State Hospital For The Insane, Shelby Rd, Morganton, Burke County, NC, Roll T625_1287; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 202; Image: 859, Line 81, "Anders, Alice"
Anders, Alice, F(emale), W(hite), 52 yrs old, Married, Can read & write, Born in NC, Both parents born in the U.S., No occupation

1930 U.S. Census of State Hospital, Morganton, Burke County, North Carolina; Roll 1677; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 21; Image: 553.0, Line 74, "Anders, Alice"
Anders, Alice, Inmate, F(emale), W(hite), 63 yrs old, Married, Can read & write, Born in NC, Both parents born in U.S., No occupation

NC Death Certificate #246, Registration District #1208, Certificate #96, Alice V. Anders, DOD 5/13/1937 in State Hospital, Morganton, Burke County, NC, lived here 29 yrs, 5 mos, 15 days
Usual Residence: W. Asheville, Buncombe County, NC
Female, White, Married to Alfred B. Anders, DOB "unobtainable", 69 yrs old
Occupation: housewife
Father: unobtainable, born in unobtainable
Mother: unobtainable, born in unobtainable
Informant: State Hospital records
DOD: 5/19/1937 at 4:30pm
Cause of death: Cardio-renal disease with contributory cause being fractured hip from fall down stairway
Burial: 5/15/1937 in Asheville, NC

1920 U.S. Census of Hazel Mill Rd, Asheville Ward 6, Buncombe County, North Carolina; Roll T625_1286; Page: 20A; Enumeration District: 22; Image: 1124, Lines 36-42, "Anders, Alfred"
Anders, Alfred, Head, Rents home, M(ale), W(hite), 54 yrs old, Married, Can read & write, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Carpenter-house
Anders, Jettie M., Daughter, F, W, 30 yrs old, Single, Can read & write, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, No occupation
Anders, Valeria, Daughter, F, W, 20 yrs old, Single, Can read & write, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Worker in cotton mill
Anders, Jennie J., Daughter, F, W, Single, 17 yrs old, Can read & write, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Worker in cotton mill
Anders, Max A. Sr., Boarder, M, W, 22 yrs old, Married, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, Switchman for railroad
Anders, Dora E., Boarder, F, W, 25 yrs old, Married, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC
Anders, Max A. Jr., Boarder, M, W, 8/12 mos old, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC

1930 U.S. Census of Westwood Place, Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina; Roll 1676; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 23; Image: 6.0, Lines 67-68, "Anders, Alfred B."
Anders, Alfred B., Head, Rents $25 house, has radio set, M(ale), W(hite), 65 yrs old, Married at age 23 yrs old, Born in NC, Father born in SC (sic), Mother born in NC, Carpenter for cotton mill
Anders, Jettie M., Daughter, F, W, 38 yrs old, Single, Born in NC, Both parents born in NC, No occupation

Death Certificate #17936, Registration District #11-00, Alfred Burton Anders, DOD 8/14/1954 at home, 802 Sand Hill Rd, Asheville, Buncombe County, NC (lived there 15 yrs)
Male, White, Widowed, DOB: 9/14/1864 in Madison County, NC, 89 yrs old
Occupation: Carpenter
Father: Abram Anders, Mother: Lydia Harwood, Informant: C. L. Anders, R.F.D. #4, Asheville, NC
SS# 249-09-8189
DOD: 8/14/1954 at 9:10pm
Cause of death: Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease due to uremia
Burial: 8/16/1954 at Gabriel's Creek, Mars Hill, NC

If you have any comments, corrections or additonal information, please email me at I would love to know poor Alice's story and how she ended up in Broughton.
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