Hello, today i start a new format; GoldyRhoxs classic pop rock , most of the albums i 'll post made many millions for the music industry and a lot of what i intend to post still gets repackaged and remastered decades later, squeezing the last drop of profit out of bands that for the most part have ceased to exist long ago, although sometimes they get lured out of the mothballs to do a big bucks gig or tour. Fact is the seventies produced music in an environment that wasn't as segmented as later decades..with our current time being totally segmented and i don't talk just in music but everything thats out there, games , the internet that brings everything that has been produced music wise up for grabs..you want to specialize in twenties 78's ?..can do, 2nd world war swing from Japan ?..can do, it's all out there. Against this backdrop todays competition is hardly fair compared to the pre nineties stars that had the world and radio waves to themselves as it where. Looking ahead another 40 years i doubt many contemporary artists will make it on the classic rock playlists in 2050, Maybe I'm wrong and 80 years later nobody will care anymore about Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd , Steely Dan, The Eagles or U2 to name some, even The Rolling Stones and The Beatles maybe all but forgotten everywhere except old peoples homes and Alzheimer clinics.
Now i'm not as naive to post this kinda music for all to see and have deleted, these will be a black box posts, i'm sorry for those on limited bandwidth but for most of you a gamble will get you a quality rip and for the younger visitors, for certain something to confront your parents with (as loud as possible)..don't like it, deleting is just 2 clicks...That said i will try to accomodate somewhat and produce some cryptic info on the artist and or album.
For starters, this is my first ever artist album, at the time i just had been buying singles and the odd compilation or two. It still gets a regular spin, specially the piano part in the titletrack gets the painoplayer in me exited. Apparently it was written during a sea voyage home as the artist had fear of flying at the time, or maybe it was the hyjacking going on. The albumtitle contains a clear pun. The artist has made many a great album since, but never one that got to me like this one. His last release has been 7 years ago. He's been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and ranked in the top 30 of greatest Britons.
Goldy Rhox 01 111mb
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